Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Bonsai Banana

Well all of your guesses were good. Sonya and Maggie were the closest with the bobsled and the sleds. As for Neil, well I will never eat hot dogs over there. At the end of the ski season every year Grand Targee has a cardboard sled race where you can make a sled out of cardboard tape and string. It's basically an excuse to get totally wasted and have fun. You can laugh at all the drunk a-holes make fools of themselves. I wish I had more pictures but the person who was supposed to was skiing and I had no way to contact him. A banana was a popular idea, there were two others but we added a twist. We dressed as Mr. Banana Grabber in a gorilla costume and threw banana's to the crowd the way down. The stupid mask had eye holes so small and we couldn't see a thing. We built the sled for speed less for aesthetics and we succeeded in doing just that. We were going so fast we ran into the fence at the end but not just that...for some reason the people who built the track decided it would be a good idea to build a ditch right before the wall to slow people down and make it so they couldn't jump the whole track. When we got to that point we jumped the ditch and ran directly into the wall. Taylor hit the wall I hit the back of Taylors head, and Johnny hit the back of my head. Taylor and Johnny got bloody noses and I got a fat lip. It may have hurt more if I wasn't laughing so hard. Go ahead and post some ideas for what we should make next year.


Crazed said...

You all Crack me up! Are there themes each year?

grandma nina said...

When you have time I still need my sink fixed. How are you? I would like to watch you bonk heads with Johnny and Taylor. Remember when Alli and Leigh would call you a bonk head?