Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Who Does This?

A-Attached or single: Single
B- Best friend: My family. Johnny, Taylor (cant have just one)
C- Cake or pie: Piecake. Just depends. Banana Cream, Molten at Chilis
D- Day of Choice: Sat
E- Essential Item: ipod
F- Favorite color: gray. seems weird but whenever i look for clothes they are always gray
G- Gummi bears or worms: Bears
H- Hometown: Pocatello
I- Indulgences: Soda
J- January or July: July
K- Kids: 0
L- Life is incomplete without: vacations
M- Marriage date: sometime in June
N- Number of Siblings: 5 sisters
O- Oranges or apples: Apples
P- Phobias or Fears: 3 things: Fake cheese, Clumps of hair, Human doo doo
Q- Quotes: I haven't slept for ten days cause that would be to long
R- Reason to smile: Knowing that I am graduating with a degree. Grades better than average. And having to get a job at Mcdonalds.
S- Season: Summer
T- Tag six: I can't I don't know anybody.
U- Unknown fact about me: My eyelid has been twitching for 2 months
V- Vegetarian or Meat eater: Meat
W- Worst habit: Drinking soda
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: I don't understand the question and I won't respond to it.
Y- Your favorite food:chicken
Z- Zippers or Zebras: Weird question. Only time in my life when I would have to choose between the two. I would love to ride a zebra.

1 comment:

Twisted Sweeties said...

Only people with nothing else better to do will do this kind of thing. Your answers still make me laugh. I think you are scared of hair clumps due to growing up with five sisters, and are doomed to only have girls. Neil is better at pulling hair clumps out of the drain than me.